
Scorpio Horoscope 2019

Love and Friendship

Love and Friendship

In the first quarter of the year, and especially in March, the emotional sector is likely to be rather confusing. Things seem to work well, whether you are involved with someone or in the process of starting a relationship, but your intuition tells you that you are not on the right track. Yet, your instincts are never wrong, so be prepared for whatever may come.

In the second quarter of 2019, and especially from April onward, your communication and social skills are not exactly up to par, indicating that it would not be a good idea to rely on them and address a sensitive subject with your loved one or the person you are trying to start something with. Misunderstandings are likely to arise.

In the third quarter of the year, and especially from September onward, communicating effectively with others will come easily to you again, which is why now is the best time to discuss important things with the loved one or with the one you have been dating for quite some time now. Just try to be considerate and think about their feelings.

In the fourth quarter of the year, and especially from the end of November onward, the fog raises from the romance department and you can clearly see where you are at with your partner or the person you are dating. You may notice that they have some flaws you may have not noticed before, but it depends only on you if you can get over them.

Finances and Career

Finances and Career

In the first quarter of the year, everything seems to be the way you intended it to be. This is an especially favourable time to tackle activities you have been planning to take care of since last year, especially if you have organized them in great detail. Just make sure that you do not forget to take time off, at least once in a while.

In the second quarter of 2019, and especially from April onwards, it would be desirable not to negotiate collaborations and/or sign contracts. At first glance, they might appear to be to your advantage, but in reality they might cost you a long-term, more profitable venture. You have a lot to gain if you wait for some other partnerships to evolve.

In the third quarter of the year, there may be some opportunities to work abroad, either in the long term or through an exchange program, but their influence on your professional development may take longer to show. It is true that you would expect the benefits to come sooner, but sometimes all you need is patience.

In the fourth quarter of 2019, and especially from December onward, your social and communication skills are likely to drastically improve and through them, you might forge some important relationships, which might prove both financially profitable and extremely long-lasting. However, they will not evolve without continuous efforts on your part.

Physical and Emotional Health

Physical and Emotional Health

In the first quarter of the year, and especially in January and March, your energy levels are likely to be up to par, you are full of vim and vigor, fully prepared to cope with all the assignments you intend to tackle during this time of the year. However, you need to know that sometimes you have to take a break before you get back to work.

In the second quarter of 2019, no medical issues are likely to take you by surprise. The stars do not form any major aspects in the houses in charge of your mental and physical well-being, indicating that you can focus on other areas of your life. However, you should not neglect it altogether. Invest some energy in taking care of yourself too.

In the third quarter of this year, and especially in July, your belief system may destabilize, at least to some degree, making you adopt an arrogant streak and a sense of superiority. It would be good not to feed such thoughts as they might take over and leave a lasting impression on your beliefs. You can suffer because of them.

In the fourth quarter of 2019, and especially in November, you may not feel like yourself. This may be due to the fact that you are not in your regular physical shape or because you feel the urge for a change in your appearance or wardrobe. It would not be a bad idea to wow everybody with a new look or style, but you have to invest serious money in that.

Home Life and Family Relationships

Home Life and Family Relationships

In the first quarter of the year, and especially in March, you may find it hard to figure out how to best approach your children. It seems that nothing you do works, but as long as what they do is not bad for them and it is just something you do not understand, the best solution is to show tolerance. Trust them more.

In the second quarter of 2019, and especially from April onward, there may be tensions between you and your brothers, sisters, cousins ​​and / or cousins. It would seem that you can not even discuss anything with them anymore and it is easier to hurt than usual. Wear gloves if you see that no other measure to defuse the bomb works.

In the third quarter of the year, and especially in July, expect some heated discussions with your partner’s close relatives, most likely due to the fact that there are notable differences between your social and professional status and your partner’s or between your belief systems. You must show a lot of diplomacy and tact this summer.

In the fourth quarter of 2019, and especially in November, your body image and/or level of confidence in yourself is likely to be below par, and family members will notice enough this rather quickly. Try not to burden them with a crisis of personality. After all, it is a fleeting experience and you will find it easy to get over it with little effort.

Anca Simina Martin
© Fidelia Publishing House

2019 Horoscope for each sign
Astro Tips & Tricks

When Mars is retrograde, you may feel less energetic and/or get irritated more easily than you used to. Don't act on your impulses because you might make a mistake you would have avoided otherwise. Now it's time to take up meditation and discipline your body.

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