
More on Aquarius Ascendant



Those born with an Aquarius Ascendant are taller than average, flaunt finely-chiseled features, aquiline noses and otherworldly gazes. They are known as the Zodiac's people persons. Determined to own all of the tech toys as soon as they hit the market, Aquarius Rising Sign people also qualify as astrology's tech junkies. They often engage in unconventional activities that reflect their original personalities. Although they may come across as a little bit quirky, people usually end up falling for their overt eccentricity.


Aquarius Ascendant celebrities: Alicia Silverstone and Larry Hagman.


Important Notice: For a more detailed astrology profile, we recommend that you correlate the description of your Ascendant with those of your Sun and Moon signs. Moreover, bear in mind the fact that certain astrological factors may or may not interefere with the brief description of your Rising Sign that we offer on this website.


A brief interpretation of the twelve Rising Signs.

More on Ascendants/Rising Signs:
Astro Tips & Tricks

If you feel like experimenting with something new and/or plan on making big changes in your life, focus on these activities when Mercury transits through the Mutable signs (Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces).

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