
More on Capricorn Ascendant



People with Capricorn Ascendants are known for their slender physique, beautiful bone structure, dark complexion, as well as their rigid, conservative attitude towards others. Nothing can possibly keep them from pursuing their social and/or professional goals. Rarely do they take time off, but when their loved ones persuade them to go for it, they usually choose to spend it on planning their next move. Capricorn Rising Sign individuals seize every opportunity and advantage offered to them and make the best of it.


Capricorn Ascendant celebrities: Sophia Loren and Sean Connery.


Important Notice: For a more detailed astrology profile, we recommend that you correlate the description of your Ascendant with those of your Sun and Moon signs. Moreover, bear in mind the fact that certain astrological factors may or may not interefere with the brief description of your Rising Sign that we offer on this website.


A brief interpretation of the twelve Rising Signs.

More on Ascendants/Rising Signs:
Astro Tips & Tricks

When Mars is retrograde, you may feel less energetic and/or get irritated more easily than you used to. Don't act on your impulses because you might make a mistake you would have avoided otherwise. Now it's time to take up meditation and discipline your body.

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