
Astrology brought to you by Fidelia provides you with top-quality astrological content, ranging from the usual daily, weekly, monthly, yearly horoscopes, through personalized astrology readings, to services and tools for advanced users. Moreover, given that astrology goes hand in hand with other esoteric sciences, our website also offers numerology and divination-related information and instruments.



Daily free forecasts and love readings for each sign.

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Natal chart, composite chart, transits, astrology tools.

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Numerology calculations, compatibility, forecasts.

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Divinatory arts: tarot and rune spreads, as well as I Ching hexagrams interpreted.

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All About You

All About You

There you have it - everything you ever wanted to know about yourself!

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Daily Horoscope

Daily Horoscope

Daily forecasts for each sign. Bioryhthm graphs.

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Love Horoscope

Love Horoscope

Daily love readings and emotional, romantic, social biorhythm graphs.

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I Ching

I Ching

Consult the I Ching oracle (Book of Changes) for free on our website.

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Mayan Zodiac

Mayan Zodiac

Here you can find our Mayan sign calculator (Tzolkin calendar).

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If you're eager to find out more about yourself and others, our website will help you embark on a journey of (self-)discovery. Astrology, numerology and divination aren't mere hobbies or career paths but ways of life which give you a fresh perspective on yourself and the world you live in. Are you ready for a major life change?

Current planets

July 27, 2024 - 09:33:17 UT/GMT
Planets now

Sun - 4° 51' Leo
Moon - 25° 23' Aries
Mercury - 1° 02' Virgo
Venus - 19° 20' Leo
Mars - 4° 31' Gemini
Jupiter - 13° 28' Gemini
Saturn - 18° 53' Pisces
Uranus - 26° 45' Taurus
Neptune - 0° 05' Aries
Pluto - 0° 26' Aquarius

Astro Tips & Tricks

When Mars is retrograde, you may feel less energetic and/or get irritated more easily than you used to. Don't act on your impulses because you might make a mistake you would have avoided otherwise. Now it's time to take up meditation and discipline your body.

AstroFidelia - Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac, Numerology, Divination, Tarot, I Ching