
2019 Horoscope

Astrology Forecast for 2019

2019 Horoscope for each sign

While in the first half of the previous year the cosmic atmosphere was dominated by Fixed signs, this year’s reign of the Mutable element will reiterate the double rule of the Mutable and Fixed signs. Towards the end of the year, when Jupiter leaves his diurnal domicile and enters the sign of Capricorn, the primacy of the Cardinal element is foreshadowed and the first signs of the new beginning 2020 promises to bring may be witnessed. But as the atmosphere of an entire year cannot be judged solely against a reductionist perspective such as this one, we invite you to take a more in-depth look at this year’s most important astrological events.

Jupiter (Sagittarius) square Neptune (Pisces): too good to be true

This tense aspect, which marks the middle of winter, and also the beginning of summer and autumn, may prove to be one with important implications both at an individual and global level. On the one hand, this aspect, perfecting as it does between two heavy planets, one personal and the other transatlantic, can help us expand our horizons (Sagittarius) without the fear of coming across as idealists (Neptune) or falling prey to daydreaming (Pisces), while successfully overcoming all the obstacles we might encounter because we have the courage to pursue our goals (square). The worst-case scenario is that we might end up chasing fantasies without achieving anything notable, or losing our energy and enthusiasm in activities that cannot be materialized as expected. It is important, therefore, to keep our feet on the ground and understand that although the sky is the limit, it is equally important to stay realistic.

At a collective level, this cosmic configuration could hinder the materialization of some expansion (Jupiter) plans (Sagittarius), of a political or non-governmental nature, that could be of real help to the citizens, probably because they are not based on what is actually happening (Neptune) in the society, or due to the fact that they are a humanitarian (Pisces) façade for selfish interests. Whatever the situation, it is certain that it would be advisable not to give them the benefit of the doubt so easily because if something sounds too good to be true, it mostly likely is so. By extension, what politicians intend to accomplish these months may very well fail to materialize, and behind the scenes, the funds that should have been allotted to these projects might be redirected toward other plans that are not aimed at the common good and come to support only those in charge.

Saturn (Capricorn) sextile Neptune (Pisces): social activism – my good way or the highway

A second aspect featuring Neptune, this time a harmonious one, dominates, as in the previous case, the middle of winter and the onset of summer. Although it is among the weakest Ptolemaic major astral configurations, it can also have important effects at an individual and social level. On the one hand, limitations (Saturn) could inspire (sextile) the emergence of movements that share the same creed (Neptune) of liberation from an oppressive yoke. So, it can be said that the personal agenda of this aspect is intertwined with the collective one, awakening in each and every one of us, if not the civic spirit, at least the desire to make the difference, in a peaceful way, leading by example. It is obvious that this phenomenon is bound to happen on a larger scale than before.

On the other hand, we may also continue to witness street movements, triggered not only by political events, but also for the social causes that move us in one way or another, for a change for the benefit of the minorities and other disadvantaged groups. Therefore, this may lead to the emergence of more non-governmental organizations protecting the rights of people in these communities, more events that help the general public become aware of the problems faced by these groups, workshops that bring together those interested in such issues with members of the minorities for whose causes they are fighting. Perhaps not all of these initiatives will be successful, but they will certainly lay the foundation for a movement of gradual eradication of discrimination.

Jupiter in Capricorn: the emergence of the wisdom tooth

After having spent the great majority of 2019, almost the entire year to be precise, in its diurnal domicile, Sagittarius, the planet of expansion will enter the sign of its fall, Capricorn, whose keyword is "limitation" in early December. A contradiction of terms at first glance, Jupiter’s position in this sign actually comes to alleviate any side effects of Saturn’s transit through this sign. This could prove especially beneficial to people in leadership, who can see opportunities for progress in deprivation, delays and hindrances. This also applies to those who do not occupy such positions, but who will succeed socially and professionally despite the many challenges their superiors or higher-ups in general burden them with. It can therefore be said that success is a certainty with this transit.

At a global level, we may witness a genuine revival of societies that are constantly faced with shortcomings, delays and limitations. They may find it easier than other to cope with such obstacles and evolve in spite of these challenges. Although their pace of development is slower and their citizens may have some trouble noticing how these little signs of improvement positively impact their standard of living, they nonetheless move in the right direction. It may also be that, in spite of their corrupt political systems, respected public figures will succeed in coming to the forefront, demonstrating that they want what is best for the country and their fellow citizens. Perhaps they will not make it into leadership positions, but they will surely be able to change something thanks to their position in the administration of the state.

Jupiter (Capricorn) trine Uranus (Taurus): small steps toward a great future

In the middle of December, this harmonious cosmic aspect will form, and, at least in theory, it is likely to prove extremely profitable at both a personal and collective level. For example, surprising (Uranus) opportunities (Jupiter) to capitalize (Capricorn) on money (Taurus) that we have managed to save might cross our paths at the end of the year. As a result, we could increase our income in 2019, although each month’s savings come after much work, extra responsibilities, limited free time, and many other compromises. Therefore, this configuration may boost the entrepreneurial spirit in some by helping them materialize their projects, while in the case of others, it could make them frugal and excessively thrifty. A sense of balance is recommended.

At a mundane level, new ways to generate state income may be discovered without applying further pressure on citizens’ resources and raising even more taxes. Perhaps we will be witnessing the discovery of new energy sources or, at a more abstract level, a regulation of virtual coins and crypto currency that would therefore no longer be traded within a lax, confusing legal framework that would allow all sorts of abuses that would have affected buyer and/or seller. In addition, we may witness the emergence of many businesses, most likely funded with one’s own savings or with minimal help. These, by adapting them to the social and cultural realities of the areas in which they develop, may rival with international companies and compete with them, which is why they must do anything in their power to stand their ground.

Mercury retrograde cycles: reconfiguring thought patters

In the first, third and fourth trimesters of the year, we will experience three Mercury retrograde cycles. If in March and November it only affects the sign transited by the planet of thought and communication, in summer, it retrogrades in the sign of Leo, and returns to the previous sign, Cancer that is. Therefore, during this year’s spring, we are likely to be more meditative and introspective (Pisces) than usual, while in winter, we may be more mysterious and less talkative (Scorpio). During the summer months, we might come across as desperate for attention (Leo), seeking to fill some childhood voids or make up for the tense relationship with our parents (Cancer). Whatever the situation, what matters is that this year’s Mercury retrograde cycles affect the Water signs, which is why this backward transit can actually turn our attention inward. The deepest discussions we may have during these times will most likely be with ourselves.

Jupiter and Saturn retrograde cycles: re-evaluation of destination and boundaries

In the middle of spring, in April to be more precise, Jupiter retrogrades in Sagittarius, its diurnal domicile. At a personal level, we may feel that we are no longer (retrograde) developing (Jupiter), and that our horizons of exploration have been closed. On a larger scale, it may be that the overall level of optimism (Sagittarius) and the desire to broaden our views (Jupiter) will drop quite a bit. Although we may have lost some of our outward momentum, we are still pretty active on the inside. Perhaps we will be more willing now than before to enjoy the benefits of meditation and introspection, to learn more about ourselves and explore the uncharted territories of inner universe. This way, we can get a clearer picture of our identity, in all its complexity.

From mid-spring to mid-September, Saturn will be the one to retrograde in its nocturnal domicile, the Capricorn. On the one hand, it may be that we face even more (retrograde) deprivations, limitations, and delays (Saturn) in our social and professional development (Capricorn). Or maybe we are the ones who feel that we do not have what it takes to succeed in these areas. On the other hand, we may experience even more (retrograde) limitations and oppressions (Saturn) at the hand of state leadership and administration (Capricorn). Whatever the situation, however, it is certain that the end of the year comes with Jupiter’s ingress into this sign that will help us make do with the resources we have. And once we succeed in doing this, we can declare ourselves self-sufficient.

Uranus’s return to Taurus and its retrograde cycle: an(other) economic revolution

At the beginning of March, Uranus returns to the sign of Taurus after a retrograde transit that brought it back in the previous sign, Aries. This comeback brings about some revelations generated by the fact that we realize that change is not necessarily bad. As a result, we may not be so scared about the digitization of the financial sector and our own finances, and that fluctuations in the stock market can also generate opportunities. Its retrograde cycle, an event that begins in mid-August, can humanize these transformations by mitigating the shock wave its return to this sign sends and helping us internalize its effects more easily. In this way, it is easier for us to adapt and familiarize with the changes.

Conclusions: all pieces are in place

As is evident from the paragraphs above, for the most part of the year, we benefit from an astral context where no less than two major heavy planets, not taking into consideration Neptune, a long-term tenant in the sign of Pisces, are located in the signs of their domiciles. After all the tensions and troubles of the previous years, when nothing seemed stable and everything was perpetually changing, 2019 brings about the feeling that the puzzle is finally finished. But who really feels satisfied after completing a puzzle? Indeed, that may give us a sense of closure, but the search and the journey toward a goal are, without a doubt, far more satisfying than reaching the destination. But this does not mean that you are bound to experience no dynamism and spontaneity. In the signs of their domiciles, these planets are extremely powerful, and the energy they bestow on us is overwhelming.

Major Astrological Events in 2019

  • January 8-19: Jupiter (Sagittarius) square Neptune (Pisces)
  • January 20-February 14: Saturn (Capricorn) sextile Neptune (Pisces)
  • March 6: Mercury retrogrades in Pisces
  • March 6: Uranus returns to Taurus
  • April 11: Jupiter goes retrograde in Sagittarius
  • April 25: Pluto goes retrograde in Capricorn
  • April 30 Saturn goes retrograde in Capricorn
  • July 3-July 3: Saturn (Capricorn) sextile Neptune (Pisces)
  • June 9-24: Jupiter (Sagittarius) square Neptune (Pisces)
  • June 22: Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces
  • July 8: Mercury goes retrograde in Leo, only to return to Cancer
  • August 12: Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus
  • September 14-28: Jupiter (Sagittarius) square Neptune (Pisces)
  • November 1: Mercury goes retrograde in Scorpio
  • December 3: Jupiter enters Capricorn
  • December 12-19: Jupiter (Capricorn) trine Uranus (Taurus)


  • January 5: Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn
  • January 21: Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo
  • July 2: Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer
  • July 16: Partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn
  • December 26: Solar Annular Eclipe in Capricorn

2019 Planetary Retrograde Calendar

2019 Planetary Retrograde Calendar

Anca Simina Martin
© Fidelia Publishing House

2019 Horoscope for each sign
Astro Tips & Tricks

When Venus is retrograde, conflicts may arise between both domestic and business partners. If approached wisely, they can present you with the opportunity to clarify any remaining issues and/or revitalize your love life. On the other hand, if you rush into things, there's a good chance that you'll go separate ways.

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