

Archive 2019

Astro Overview for May

Particularly striking about this month is the abundance of aspects that are created between planets in essential dignities. What this says about the general vibration of the final month of spring is the fact that many cosmic incentives are coming our way to set us into motion and help us solve many issues before we enter the hot season. But let’s take a closer look at what this month brings:

Mercury (Aries) square Saturn (Capricorn): decisive match

On the first day of the month, the tense square between Mercury in Aries and Saturn in Capricorn is formed, and given that both planets are in their domiciles, we may feel its effects very powerfully. What this astral configuration does is to bring out issues swept under the rug or that have not been said, although many people have noticed them. It therefore brings the truth to light, a good opportunity to build something lasting in the future on solid and clean foundations.

Mercury (Aries) square Pluto (Capricorn) and Mercury (Aries) trine Jupiter (Sagittarius): a game of hot and cold

During May 2, two important aspects are perfected: the dissonant square between Mercury in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, which makes us feel the reverberations of the secrets that come have recently come out and the harmonious trine between Mercury in Aries and Jupiter in Sagittarius, which gives us the courage to tell things as they are and take up the habit of always telling the truth. The fear of coming to terms with things is no longer one that paralyzes us.

Mars (Gemini) opposition Jupiter (Sagittarius): battles of ideas

On March 5, Mars in Gemini sends a tense opposition to Jupiter in Sagittarius, an indication that we may be tempted to engage in a lot of heated debates in the days to come. It is important to rely on resounding arguments and not on sensationalist statements because we may risk having our defense easily taken down. It is important to keep in mind that there may always be someone who can show us the opposite, defeating us with our very own weapons.

Mercury in Taurus: let’s not jump to hasty conclusions

From May 6 onwards, Mercury moves through the sign of Taurus, which is why we may be less talkative than during the previous transit. We count more on facts than on words, and we are more interested in strong guarantees than beautiful promises. This is therefore a time when we put more emphasis on practical issues, everything that is palpable and, sometimes, money can buy. What really matters now are things that others cannot take from us.

Venus (Aries) square Saturn (Capricorn): when things do not go your way

On May 7, a tense square is formed between Venus from the sign of Aries and Saturn from Capricorn. Since one of the planets is in exile and the other in domicile, in this case too we may feel the influence exerted by the two planets very powerfully. We are therefore asked to start a new chapter with regard to others, based less on practical or material considerations and more on sentimental affinities. Now is the time to find other foundations to build on.

Mercury conjunct Uranus (Taurus): surprises regarding financial matters

During May 8th, the conjunction between Mercury and Uranus occurs in the sign of Taurus, which for some of us can come with original ideas on how to increase our profit, supplement the revenue and / or capitalize on the savings we have made so far. It is therefore a time when we could considerably increase our income and stabilize ourselves financially. But we need to be a lot more organized than we usually are in order to keep up with the workload.

Venus (Aries) trine Jupiter (Sagittarius) and Venus (Aries) square Pluto (Capricorn): too much courage

During May 9, two important astral aspects are perfected: the harmonious trine between Venus in Aries and Jupiter in Sagittarius, which brings added novelty and spontaneity in our lives, and the tense square between Venus from the sign of Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, which can come to test the relationships between people coming from different social and professional backgrounds. It is important for us to understand what brings us together.

Venus in Taurus: moments of delight

From May 15 onwards, Venus transits the sign of her nocturnal domicile, bringing even more financial opportunities, this time in relation to other people. In the romance department, there is a good time to invest in the foundation of our relationships and to make a greater contribution to their wellbeing. For that to happen, it is important that there is a lot of confidence on both sides and the certainty that we can build lasting ties with those we have a relationship with.

Mercury (Taurus) trine Saturn (Capricorn) and Mars’ entry into Cancer: safety first of all

During May 16, two important astral configurations are perfected: the harmonious trine between Mercury in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn that gives us the mental and communication resources to express our ideas and engage in professional prospects and Mars’ entry into Cancer, which gives us more insight into where we are supposed to go professionally. We may also be more romantic and affectionate than usual.

Mercury (Taurus) trine Pluto (Capricorn) and Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus: let’s take it one step at a time

On May 18, two extremely potent cosmic energetic aspects are perfected: the harmonious trine between Mercury in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn, which gives us the ability to persevere in our plans, and to accomplish all that we intend to achieve, and the conjunction between Venus and Uranus in Taurus, that can help relationships at a standstill transition from one level to another. It is obvious that we are headed in the right direction.

Mercury enters Gemini: restored connections

After May 21, Mercury moves through its diurnal home, which is why our communication and social skills are prominently visible. We express ourselves more freely, we adapt our speech according to the addressee, we are flexible in how we think and we know everything there is to know about what is most important in our sphere of activity. We are at the heart of things during this period, which gives us the ability to forge lucrative relationships in the future.

Mercury (Gemini) square Neptune (Pisces): empty words

On May 29, we feel the influence of the tense square between Mercury in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces, which means that some speculative people might trick us to do something we do not want to do. There is a risk that we may be harmed or have to deal with people who might try to sell us promises. It is therefore advisable to pay more attention at the end of the month to avoid falling into the trap of seemingly benevolent but misleading smiles.

Mercury (Gemini) opposition Jupiter (Sagittarius): talking nonsense

May 30 distinguishes itself through the tense opposition that is drawn from two planets in domicile, Mercury in the sign of Gemini and Jupiter from Sagittarius. As a matter of principle, it is not advisable on this day to travel far away from home, sit exams or file for grants or funds. If we cannot wait any longer to do that, it is recommended to check carefully if we have all the documents that are required.

Venus (Taurus) trine Saturn (Capricorn): stability on all fronts

The last day of the month distinguishes itself through the harmonious trine that links together two planets in their domicile. We are talking here about Venus in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn that creates the astral climate necessary to establish lasting relationships with people who have common financial interests or who want stability as much we do. Whether it’s love or business relationships, it is certain that our interests in practical issues bring us together.

As can be seen from the paragraphs above, the final month of spring bombards us with various stimuli from all aspects of life, which is why it will be absolutely difficult for us to sit and do nothing. The astral climate make us dynamic, ready for action, willing to take up every assignment and face any challenge. It is no wonder that we are going to have a successful summer.

Planetary Motion and Astrological Events

  • The Sun transits Taurus until May, 21, 7:59 a.m., when it enters Gemini;
  • New Moon in Taurus on May, 5, 10:45 a.m., Full Moon in Scorpio on May, 19, 9:12 p.m.;
  • Mercury moves through Aries until May, 6, 6:22 p.m., when it enters the sign of Taurus, which it transits until May 21, 10:51 a.m., when it enters the sign of Gemini;
  • Venus transits Aries until May, 15, 9:46 a.m., when it enters Taurus;
  • Mars moves through Gemini until May 16, 3:09 a.m., when it steps into Cancer;
  • Jupiter transits Sagittarius in an apparent reverse motion throughout the month;
  • Saturn moves in a retrograde motion through Capricorn;
  • Uranus transits the sign of Taurus for the duration of the whole month;
  • Neptun transits Pisces throughout the entire month of May;
  • Pluto retrogrades through Capricorn throughout the whole month.


In 1 and 2, tensions may arise between you and your superiors, with the amendment that on May 2, you may become aware that this would be a recurring situation. On May 5, be careful not to be aggressive in how you communicate. From May 6 onwards, there are opportunities to supplement your income. However, feelings of tension may prevail between you and your bosses.

On or around May 8, a tip that can help you round out your profits may appear. During or around May 9, your energy level is on the rise, but be careful not to do anything that could jeopardize your image. From May 15 onwards, more opportunities to supplement you income appear. During or around the May 16, tensions may reappear in relation to your superiors, but everything’s well at home.

On or around May 18, you may receive a bonus or bonus. From May 21 onwards, your communication and social skills are likely to receive a boost. Do not listen to gossip or rumors that may be circulating during or around May 29 or you’ll go into unnecessary debates on or around May 30. During May 31, you are likely to be extremely productive.


During May 1 and 2, you may experience troubles or frustrations, but you will overcome them successfully. On or around May 5, be very careful about how much you spend. From May 6 onwards, you are more communicative than usual. During or around May 7, you might have to deal with some fears, but spirits will improve miraculously sometime around May 8.

On or around May 9, rely on your inner strength to overcome any challenge. After May 15, your charisma is more potent than usual. During or around May 16, you be in an especially good mental state and you are more assertive in communication. On or around May 18, everything seems to go according to plan and you are successful in everything you want to do.

From May 21 onwards, some tips on how you could supplement your budget and / or capitalize on some of your savings may appear. On or around May 29, avoid investing in group projects. On or around May 30, it would be advisable to be more thoughtful of how you spend your money. On or around May 31, you may end the month on a positive note.


The premises of a group project or future plan are extremely good during May 2, but do not rely too much on promises around May 1 and 2. There may be tensions between you and your loved one or associate during May 5. From May 6 onwards, you may have a tendency to persist in coercive and narrow thinking patterns. During or around May 7, avoid lending or borrowing money.

During or around May 8, news that you would not have expected may appear. On or around May 9, it is advisable to talk, negotiate, even legalize partnerships, but do not make investments. A person from your amorous past may return in your life on or around May 15. You may feel fatigue building up around May 16, but also expect some financial opportunities.

On or around May 18, feelings are likely to reemerge between you and an ex-partner. From May 21 onwards, your communication and social skills are becoming more potent. On or around May 29, try not to argue with the bosses and around May 30, with your loved one and / or business partner. During May 31, you may feel extremely proud of your achievements.


On or around May 1 or 2, your career or your partner’s might interfere with your love life, but at the same time, you are extremely productive. During or around May 5, rest some more. After May 6, you could meet new people who will quickly become your buddies. On or around May 7, there is a risk of tensions between you and your loved one because of work.

During or around May 8, surprising events are likely to come in your social life. On or around May 9, you have a great deal of work to do and tensions to solve with your loved one. From May 15 onwards, a love relationship with a friend may start. On or around May 16, you are likely to feel more energetic and you are ready to discuss future plans with your loved one.

On or around May 18, the first progress in that direction may occur. Socially, you are more popular than usual. From May 21 onwards, avoid wasting your energy on scenarios that are distant from reality. On or around May 29 and 30, you are neither in good spirits, nor too energetic. During or around May 30, the future holds good things for you and your loved one.


On or around May 1 and 2, there are all sorts of challenges in your professional life, but be careful how you approach them. In the romance department and in relation to children, the atmosphere is harmonious. During May 5, see how you divide your spare time between your social and love life. From May 6 onwards, there might be new chances of professional affirmation. On or around May 7th, labor challenges are emerging again.

On or around May 8, opportunities are emerging to forge a closer relationship with the bosses. On or around May 9, you get along well with your children and your loved one, but expect some challenges on the work front. From May 15 onwards, a love relationship may start between you and one of your bosses. From May 16 onwards, you’re a little more sensitive than usual.

On or around 16, you may be extremely productive at work. On or around May 18, you have the chance to stand out at work and make your way into high circles. After May 21, you are more socially active. Do not have too much confidence in friends on May 29 and do not choose them to the detriment of your partner. During May 3, a bonus is likely to appear.


Do not allow jealousy and possessiveness to manifest on May 1 and 2. If you are going through sentimental challenges, ask for advice from your family. On or around May 5, it may be difficult for you to divide your time between your career and family. From May 6 onwards, there may be opportunities to go abroad, for delegations or courses. On or around May 7, open yourself more toward your partner.

On or around May 8, you may get some precious life tips from a person you know. During or around May 9, the tension between you and your partner may reappear because of your lack of confidence, but if you open yourself to him/her, you will overcome this challenge. From May 15 onwards, you can find love in someone of another nationality or religion.

From May 16 onwards, your social life is on an upward trend. Short trips around that date are recommended. On or around May 18, make another trip to get to know other mentalities. After May 21, opportunities appear at work. If you neglect your partner or family for your career, look forward to tensions on May 29 and 30. On May 31, try to plan a city break.


During or around May 1 and 2, tensions may arise between you and your partner on a domestic topic, but you communicate well with your partner and will come to a conclusion. On or around May 5, do not go into meaningless debates. From May 6 onwards, you can earn more by associating with others. Household issues reemerge on May 7. On or around 8, be more open towards your partner.

During or around May 9, you communicate well with your partner, but it is difficult for you to agree on a family matter. From May 15 onwards, your intimate life gets a fresh breath. During or around May 16, the family atmosphere is harmonious. After that time, you have more assignments at work. On or around May 18, everything goes well at home and you may earn more.

From May 21 onwards, there may be opportunities to participate in some courses or delegations abroad. During or around May 29 and 30, there may be disagreements between you and your work colleagues, and they can affect the quality of your work. On or around May 31, you experience peace and tranquility at home and can safely focus on other things.


On or around May 1 and 2, all sorts of challenges can arise at work, but the prospects are good, in the sense that you’ll earn more. On or around May 5, it is advisable that you take care how much you spend. After May 6, you communicate better with your life and / or business partner. During May 8, you may even come to a common denominator on a sensitive subject.

During or around May 9, few things are going according to schedule, but the light at the end of the tunnel, which may be a salary increase, can be seen. After May 15, good news come to the bachelors(ettes) who wait. After May 16, chances to study or work abroad may appear. At the same time, but on May 18, you communicate well with your business / life partner.

From May 21 onwards, you can find a new way for you and your life and / or business partners to multiply your common resources. During May 29 and 30, some tensions may occur in the workplace and they may affect your performance at any given time. On or around May 31, you may be able to communicate better with your partner and reach some favorable conclusions.


Try to curb your spending habits on May 1 and 2. You may be riding a big wave, but don’t stretch more than you can handle. On or around May 5, avoid arguing with your life and / or business partner. From May 6 onwards, don’t exaggerate with your calorie intake and focus more on what you have to do professionally. On or around May 7, avoid spending too much.

On or around May 8, you may come up with a brilliant idea at work. Your spirits are especially high around May 9, but that may lead to unnecessary expenses. The good news is that you are extremely productive and work and willing to take on more challenges. After May 16, you may be more sensitive than usual, but you enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Around or during May 18, your productivity is again on the rise. From May 21 onwards, you communicate better with your partner, but during or around May 29 and 30, some tensions may occur between you and your loved one on domestic issues. On May 31, it is likely that the end of the month happens on a positive note regarding professional matters.


During or around May 1 and 2, there may be tensions between you and your loved ones, but you will overcome them without too much trouble. On or around May 5, take more rest and be more attentive at work. After May 6, you communicate better with your loved one and / or your children. On or around May 7, there may be some tensions between you and your family members.

On or around May 8, the bachelors(ettes) of this sign may get acquainted with someone special. On or around May 9, there is a risk of quarrels between you and your loved ones, but your relationship is too strong to suffer because of a small disagreement. After May 15, a new person may appear in the life of those looking for a partner. From May 16 onwards, your love department livens up.

On or around the same date, everything seems to work well between you and your loved one, but also in relation to children. On or around May 18, the feeling of novelty and spontaneity in the couple returns, which gives you a new breath of life. From May 21 onwards, your workload is bigger. During or around May 29 and 30, some challenges may arise at work or health. On May 31, you may experience harmony in the couple.


It is advisable that you do not listen to gossip or rumors around May 1 and 2, but focus on building up potential business relationships. During or around May 5, you may need to divide your spare time between social and sentimental life. From May 6 onwards, you communicate better with family members. On or around May 7, do not trouble yourself with what rumors say.

On or around May 8, you can reach a favorable conclusion with your family on a domestic matter. On or around May 9, rumors and gossip may become even more virulent, but you are advised to focus instead on discussing collaborations or some projects. From May 15 on, there is harmony around the family department. On May 16, the family can help you overcome difficult moments.

From the same date onwards, you may be more sensitive than usual, physically and emotionally. During or around May 18, some challenges may occur at work, but you can find your strength at home. From May 21 onwards, you communicate better with your partner and children. On or around May 29 and 30, you have to divide your time between friends and partner, and expensive temptations are difficult to overcome. On May 31, you enjoy harmony at home.


On or around May 1 and 2, it would be advisable not to invest too much in group projects or future plans, although resources exist. On or around May 5, you may find it difficult to divide your time between family and career. From May 6 onwards, your communication and social skills are visibly improving. On or around May 7, try to forge some partnerships.

On or around May 8, you may have some brilliant ideas that you do not mind discussing with others. On or around May 9, you may receive a bonus, but do not lend it or invest in anything in the hope that your earnings will increase. From May 15 onwards, you are more assertive in communication. During or around May 16, you might be able to co-opt new people into a project.

From the same date onwards, your love life becomes more dynamic. On or around May 18, focus on future plans and group projects. Also, you communicate better with your family. On or around May 29 and 30, you divide your time with great difficulty between family and work, and your loved ones may not like it. On May 31, you may get some extra earnings or a bonus.

Astro Tips & Tricks

It's advisable not to schedule any surgical procedure when the Moon is full. You should also try to avoid it one day before or after the Full Moon. Emergency surgical interventions are an exception to the rule.

AstroFidelia - Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac, Numerology, Divination, Tarot, I Ching