

Archive 2021

Astro Overview for December

We are in front of a very important month, marked by the last of the three Saturn-Uranus squares that largely dictated the astral atmosphere of 2021. As always, December also brings the winter solstice, the Sun’s ingress in Capricorn. On December 19th Venus turns retrograde for a about a month and a half, until late January 2022, while Jupiter leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on the morning of December 29.

This month also brings us the ingress, on the same day, of Mars in Sagittarius and Mercury in Capricorn. Thus, December is full of surprises and invites us to combine the seriousness and sobriety of Capricorn with enough openness to original solutions and perspectives. We need to keep this attitude so that we do not get stuck in a past that simply no longer works for us and for the whole humanity. Let’s follow the main astral events of December!

New Moon in Sagittarius: new beginnings on a collective level

On December 4, we celebrate the New Moon in Sagittarius, a moment that invites us to plan our future, to think about what we would like to achieve and become next. Idealism reaches high levels, but also our moralizing tendencies. We are looking for new solutions that are in line with fundamental values and that can be applied fairly on a large scale. It is possible to witness some enthusiastic and energetic mass movements in the name of faith and universal truth.

Mercury (Sagittarius) square Neptune (Pisces): visionary and idealistic thinking

On December 7, the Mercury-Neptune sqaure is exact. Thinking and imagination might combine in the form of insights that are difficult to express in words. Although it can be hard for us to pay attention to details, this energy helps us to grasp the essentials, to understand symbols and codes. A large volume of abstract data can be compressed in the form of ingenious synthesis. AstroFidelia recommends not to exaggerate subjective impressions.

Mars (Scorpio) square Jupiter (Aquarius): heroic actions in the name of truth

Around December 8, it is good to pay attention to how we manage our energy. We are capable of broad, altruistic gestures, but we can also lose our self-control and burst into flames if we seize injustice around us. On the other hand, if we fight for the right causes, we can discover in ourselves amazing reserves of courage and psychic resistance. Thus, we can act incisively and subtley in matters that affect society on a large scale.

Sun (Sagittarius) square Neptune (Pisces): becoming aware of our spirituality

On December 12, the Sun reaches a hard aspect with Neptune. Although some dislusionment may occur through important male figures in our lives, the Sun-Neptune dialogue stimulates our spiritual growth. It is easier to make some sacrifices in the name of universal truth and love. We become aware of our invisible connections with all humanity. Nevertheless, is good to avoid running away from reality and all sorts of ilusions.

Mars in Sagittarius: the courage to explore new teritory

With Mars in Sagittarius starting December 13, much of our energy is directed towards confronting certain tests of confidence and faith. We need to defend our principles and to find the meaning of our experiences. We are heading with more nonchalance towards faraway places and people who live by different rules than we do. We defend our right for free movement. We can also do this through debates, studies, research: our minds bear no restrictions.

Mercury in Capricorn: thoroughly structured mind

On December 13, we also celebrate Mercury’s ingress into Capricorn. From this moment on, our thinking processes becomes more sober, efficient and pragmatic. We need to build complex reasonings starting from practical goals. AstroFidelia recommends asking ourselves what we want to materialize in our lives, and then patiently organize our ideas that will take us in those directions. We bear the responsibility of our own words and thoughts.

Venus retrogradă în Capricorn: revizii la nivel de relaţii şi finanţe

Between December 19 - January 29, Venus will retrograde through Capricorn. The period brings us the opportunity to clarify some aspects related to relationships and material resources. Some of them may concern our business affairs with public institutions or authorities, but also with older people, who have dictated so far our team rules. With Venus retrograde, we seek to balance within ourselves the way we exchange energy with other people.

The winter solstice – Sun in Capricorn: individual integrity and responsibility

With the Sun in Capricorn, we adopt a more mature, patient and realistic attitude. We discover that efforts strengthen us, that perseverance leads us to important, lasting results, that aging often means wisdom. We become more melancholic and reflect on the impact of time on our individual evolution. Our trust in ourselves grows as we gain respect for staying upright and responsible.

Saturn (Aquarius) square Uranus (Taurus): inevitable, but controlled progress

On Christmas Eve, we celebrate the last of the three Saturn-Uranus squares that accompanied this year. This is the final stage of the construction that these planets have built during 2021. Its effects will last for long from now on. On a personal and collective level, AstroFidelia recommends asking ourselves what fundamental changes are taking place, and how we relate now to ideas such as authority, freedom, progress, group effort.

Venus retrograde conjunct Pluto (Capricorn): revealed secrets

Around December 25, hidden issues related to love or financial situations may come to the surface. These lead us to powerful transformations in relationships and material security. Although we are more socially withdrawn and we can experience some moments of blockage and pesimism, important alchemies are taking place within us. Unsual events may occur in the public system as well.

Jupiter in Pisces: collective empathy and spirituality

Between December 29, 2021- May 11, 2022 and October 28 – December 20, 2022, Jupiter will transit Pisces. These periods are marked by sensitivity and a general orientation towards art, spirituality, faith. We can witness a collective healing process by maintaining a high inner refinement and idealism. However, it is also good to pay attention to the danger of falling prey to illusions and victimization. We need to set healthy boundaries and to reject false spirituality.

Mars (Sagittarius) sextile Saturn (Aquarius): boldness and robustness

At the end of December, Mars and Saturn form a harmonious aspect that helps us take thorough initiatives. It is advisable to be as well organized as possible, in order to carry out complex activities. Humor, good will and enthusiasm towards new adventures and challenges are accompanied by realism. On New Year’s Eve, this aspect invites us to set bold long-term goals for the future.

The last month of the year is therefore full of surprises and dynamic astral events. It is also a moment of assessment of the changes already begun, that need to be carried on in the following year. Venus retrograde gives us time to put our relationships and financial strategies in order. Meanwhile, the Saturn-Uranus square highlights how much we have matured so far as individuals and participants in society. Throughout 2022 we need to continue this major reconfiguration process.

Happy New Year!

Planetary Motion and Astrological Events

  • The Sun transits Sagittarius until December 21, 4:00 p.m., when it enters Capricorn;
  • New Moon in Sagittarius on December 4, 7:45 a.m.; Full Moon in Gemini on December 19, 4:36 a.m.;
  • Mercury transits Sagittarius until December 13, 5:53 p.m., when it enters Capricorn;
  • Venus transits Capricorn and turns retrograde on December 19, 10:38 a.m.;
  • Mars transits Scorpio until December 13, 9:53 a.m.;
  • Jupiter leaves Aquarius on December 29, 4:08 a.m. and enters Pisces;
  • Saturn continues its transit through Aquarius;
  • Uranus retrograde continues its transit through Taurus;
  • Neptune continues its transit through Pisces and turns direct on December 1, 9:04 a.m.;
  • Pluto continues its transit through Capricorn.


The first half of the month brings an open, optimistic mood. By saying yes to adventure and exploration, you might end up in new places or in front of suprising information. You are looking for the final truths, meditating on the meaning of your experiences. Simultaneously, there is a certain pressure and incresead responsibilities in career. After December 13, Mercury in Capricorn brings the opportunity to communicate with influential people.

With Mars’ ingress into Sagittarius on December 13, you gain more courage in promoting your life principles. You fight for your noblest beliefs and aspirations. After December 19, Venus retrograde in Capricorn requires reconsidering some of your most important professional relationships. It is also possible to be very concerned about your public image. You need to feel respected in society.

In the second part of the month you need to focus on what is happening in your community. Collective events have a high influence on your personal life. You have to carefully analyze your role and position in these circumstances. At the end of the year, the Saturn-Uranus square makes you think of some long-term projects with financial impact. AstroFidelia recommends taking a close look at how 2021 has helped you change your value system.


The first part of December can make you more discreet and secretive, preoccupied with what is happening in the depths of your soul. This means important inner emotional transformation. Although it can be uncomfortable at times, this process also helps you to deeply regenerate your psychic energy. You may find out that certain situations in your life have become toxic and that you have to eliminate or radically change them.

Simultaneously, transits through Capricorn direct your attention to the international context. You might also engage in some complex research. You have the opportunity to think about moral and religious issues. After December 19, with Venus retrograde, faraway people, with whom you have not interacted for a long time, can return to your life. Venus retrograde also helps you reconsider some of the rules you apply in relationships and finances.

As we approach the end of the year, opportunities for travel or the expansion of your mind’s horizons through contact with unique places and people may come to the fore. The Saturn-Uranus square, which is especially aimed at you because Uranus transits Taurus, marks a new phase in your process of personal awakening and reconfiguration. For you, it is important to feel authentic, free and at the same time thoroughly involved in society and career responsibilities.


The current transits through Sagittarius inspire an exalted and optimistic approach to relationships. New people enter your life, while already established relationships become more dynamic. Thus, this period sustains your evolution through key relationships. You reconsider your contacts with certain people who are no longer compatible with your life principles. After December 13, Mars in Sagittarius accelerates, energizes experiences related to partnerships.

December is also accompanied by transits through Capricorn, which means that it is time to descend into unusual psychic territories, to develop your investigative skills, just like a good psychologist or detective. With Venus retrograde, you see in a new, more objective and mature light important relationships in your life. The period can also bring atypical experiences related to shared money and other resources.

AstroFidelia recommends putting your emotions in order, starting from the way you exchange energy with others. What lies beyond the surface of your relationships? Also, you have the opportunity to research occult subjects, to explain, through special insights, mysteries of the universe that are not accessible to the open eye. The Saturn-Uranus square invites you to meditate on topics related to social correctness and life principles.


For you, the first part of the month seems rather busy at work or at least full of daily events that keep you connected to the practical aspects of life. At the same time, for some Cancerians, transits through Sagittarius can translate into additional attention to their physical body. You can take advantage of this period to clarify some information related to health and to ask yourself how to build a good communication with your body.

Throughout December, an important issue for you is that of relationships. Venus in Capricorn makes you think about team activities. You need to respect other people’s time and rules, but also to keep a good attention to yourself. When we know who we are, what we want for ourselves we can truly build functional relationships with others. After December 19, you’ll have several weeks to reconsider important relationships, including contracts with financial impact.

This year’s Saturn-Uranus square has forced major changes in your partnerships. You have also faced deep emotional transformation by wondering how you really want your future to look like. You go through a complex process of radical emotional honesty which favors deep regeneration. After Jupiter enters Pisces on December 29, you will be able to better see the meaning of these months and confidently establish new aspirations for yourself.


For you, the first part of the month can be quite generous, bringing relaxation and fun. Although you have to combine these moments with professional diligence, it is good to give yourself as many breaks as possible and enjoy them. The current transits through Sagittarius help you maintain a confident, optimistic and playful mood, regardless of the collective contexts. It can also be a good time for falling in love or consolidating your relationships with children.

After December 13, you pay more attention to communication with co-workers or with various collaborators with whom you need to reach compatible points of view. After December 19, with Venus retrograde in Capricorn, various revisions can take place in these relationships. Certain people from the past are coming back into your life now. Through this reunited teams, you have something useful to do, for you and for your communities.

In your case, the Saturn-Uranus square represents an important moment in the process of building new relationship and career frameworks. It’s time to observe how certain people in your life influence your image and success in the world. Your career can impose new responsibilities in relationships. With Jupiter in Pisces, starting from the end of this year you also focus on your emotional refinement.


The current transits through Sagittarius direct most of your energy and attention to family and home issues, especially during the first three weeks of the month. There may be various debates about justice and morality with those at home. AstroFidelia recommends that you look at all these experiences with wisdom, generosity, humor, faith in truth and positive results. You could also think about the past and visit some dear childhood places.

Simultaneously, transits through Capricorn make you pay attention to what happens in your relationships with children and/or in the area of romance. After December 19, Venus retrograde invites you to reconsider the way you define love and happiness. Thus, you have the chance to eliminate older blockages and to build new boundaries in this regard. Partners from the past can come back to you now. It can also be a special period for hobbies and artistic pursuits.

Transits through Capricorn invite you to relax and have fun, but also to use your free time as efficiently as possible. The Saturn-Uranus square highlight your professional progress, so you need to keep exercising new skills. AstroFidelia recommends to ask yourself what does significant work mean to you, where and how you can practice it. With Jupiter in Pisces after December 29, chances of meeting fascinating wise people increase.


Throughout December, the Sagittarian energy stimulates your intelligence and mental exchanges with others. Short trips and walks nurture your need for adventure. Acting like a nomad makes you feel good during this period of exploration. At a mental level you go through an expansive phase. Curiosity takes you to interesting insights and discoveries. Humor and an overall detached attitude can help you a lot now.

At the same time, transits through Capricorn direct your energy towards home and family. Relationships with relatives are significant for you this month. With Venus retrograde after December 19, you may feel the need to withdraw from some family interactions. This period calls for introspection and reconsideration of your roots. You also need to carefully analyze your relationship with your deepest self. Past feelings come to the surface.

In your case, the Saturn-Uranus square draws attention to close relationships. You also have to consider how you can obtain enough material security in order to live a freer and creative life. 2021 has shown you the importance of listening to your soul and of dedicating yourself to activities or relationships that awaken your spirit. Nevertheless, during this process you have to be totally honest and fair with your parteners as well.


In the first part of the month it is good to take care of practical aspects, like shopping and useful chores. Your investment decisions are now intuitive and bold. While it’s good to avoid the lack of measure and impulsive decisions, you may feel that the chance is on your side and quickly target the right purchases. AstroFidelia recommends to think about your value system, about the subtle, non-material richness in your life.

Simultaneously, the current transits through Capricorn require more openness to communication and learning. It is good to inform yourself from reliable sources. With Venus retrograde in Capricorn, you may see in an unusual light some information received from official sources. You can reconnect with old schoolmates or neighbors. Relationships with siblings are entering a special phase, too.

The Saturn-Uranus square can bring some confrontations between traditions rooted in you since childhood and the way other people see those customs or rules. Throughout 2021, there has also been a fundamental reconfiguration of certain important relationships in your life, of the way you relate to family and couple. After Jupiter’s ingress in Pisces, you will go through a period with more opportunities for relaxation, fun and romance.


The first part of the month brings you a lot of energy and triggers a new stage in your life. It’s good to intuitively align yourself to these beginnings, even if you don’t yet know where they’re going to lead you. You also inspire a bright, joyfull atmosphere around you. These weeks hekp you strengthen your confidence in yourself. You can analyze your self-image and ask yourself what do you want to achieve on your own.

Meanwhile, transits through Capricorn, active throughout the month, require a realistic and well-organized investment strategy. After Venus turns retrograde on December 19, you will have to reconsider some shopping plans and sources of income. AstroFidelia recommends extra attention in money related decisions. It is possible to change your mind about the value and usefulness of certain objects or services that seemed appealing to you until now.

The Saturn-Uranus square indicates an important stage in the process of building new skills and competences through study and research. You might look at certain topics with more maturity. You thoroughly understand some avant-garde information. You are also among the most sensitive people to Jupiter’s shift from Aquarius to Pisces. During the next period, you will be more active in the area of spirituality, faith, empathy and healing.


The first part of December invites retreat and introspection. This perspective helps you detach yourself more easily from small, everyday problems and to see better some collective phenomena. While you may feel that you cannot influence directly these processes, your attitude towards them matters. AstroFidelia recommends dedicating time to artistic and spiritual pursuits – they can keep you inspired and optimistic.

Venus in Capricorn draws your attention to your relationship with your body. You might notice an increased interest in topics such as physical appearance, style, charm. After December 19, you see yourself in a new light. It is also good to analyze what kind of investments can support your individual evolution. After the winter solstice, you become more active and energetic. You are directing your force towards new beginnings.

In your case, the Saturn-Uranus square represents an important stage in the process of transforming certain native talents into passions, hobbies that are both relaxing and productive. Try to notice how 2021 has forced you to devote more time to these activities and to adapt your value system and material resources accordingly! After Jupiter’s ingress in Pisces, a period of mental expansion and access to elevated information will follow.


The first part of the month keeps you in touch with large groups and gives you a visionary, avant-garde approach to life. Your thoughts naturally turn to making plans for the future. It’s good to ask yourself where you would like to be in the long run, and how you can get there. Until December 13, Mars in Scorpio gives you ambition in some career-related circumstances. Your courage draws others’ attention.

Throughout these weeks you are also under the more sober and responsible influence of the planets in Capricorn, which dictate distancing from small, daily worries. After Venus turns retrograde on December 19, this detachment makes you meditate on the past. You can finally end some dysfunctional relationships, while creating unique subtle connections with beings from other spaces, worlds, times. Imagination can assist you through this unique inner process.

The Saturn-Uranus square had a strong impact on you throughout the year, with Saturn transiting your sign, co-ruled by Uranus. You’re going through fundamental changes, but you’re also looking to maintain control throughout this process. You have to turn your past into new directions of personal evolution. AstroFidelia also recommends thinking about how you relate now to home, family, privacy, patriotism, history.


The multiple transits through Sagittarius during the first three weeks of the month bring a lot of dynamism in your career. You also need to feel involved in your community. You are being noticed, you gain more notoriety, you cannot avoid some responsibilities and official situations. You may sometimes feel that others are judging you hastily. In this case, AstroFidelia recommends using your wisdom and humor. Just move on and do not mind those people!

Meanwhile, transits through Capricorn bring you into various group contexts and make you think responsibly about future strategies. With Venus retrograde starting December 19, you might notice some reorganizations taking place in the groups you belong to. You can also witness important social changes that seem to put the world in a new order. You reconsider older plans and try to make them work in the current context.

The Saturn-Uranus square has encouraged you throughout the year to combine reasoning and intuition. You need to logically decrypt certain insights and revelations about the collective unconscious. This month could bring new pieces in this puzzle. After December 29, Jupiter enters your sign and marks a period in which it is good to remain receptive to the idea of luck and opportunity: they come your way, but you must notice them on time and take advantage of them.

Astro Tips & Tricks

When Saturn is retrograde, it's recommended that you take a step back, wait a moment, analyze your circumstances, draw conclusions and plan your next move. But don't take any action right away! Have a little patience! You can consult the Planetary Retrograde Calendar here.

AstroFidelia - Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac, Numerology, Divination, Tarot, I Ching