Your Venus in Gemini can transmute love into friendship; is he the much sought after Prince Charming or just a friend with whom you casually hob-nob, exchanging punning lines inspired by the latest joke you've heard? This question remains unanswered to this day. Who cares that he has an agonizing toothache when you've just came into possession of the latest news on various subjects, be they rumors, gossip or jokes? It's his problem now. You know what they say, when he doesn't listen to you, he could at the very least hear whatever you care to share from what's going on through that mind of yours. Your love springs from your insatiable curiosity, taking the form of a never-ending learning experience and a strictly mentally enticing experiment. Everything you come across in your love life serves as a means of examining and analyzing life from a kaleidoscopic perspective, passing it through a variety of filters, both consciously and unconsciously.
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