
Aquarius Horoscope 2021

Love and Friendship

Love and Friendship

In the first three months of the year, you shouldn’t worry too much about these life sectors. It should be noted, however, that in February especially, you may go through some changes on a personal level that could impact on the way you interact with your loved one. It is important to be careful they don’t negatively affect your relationship. Keep things separate and everything will be fine.

In the next three months of the year, the transformations continue on a personal level, but also within your love department. The month of June stands out from this point of view, meaning it may come with challenges in both sectors. Specifically, the process of finding yourself can influence your attitude in your love life. Your partner’s reactions reflect is it has changed for the better or not.

In the third quarter of 2021, things are moving slowly but surely in the right direction. You feel better about yourself, which indicates you’re on the right track. And if you haven’t met the right person yet, the transformations you go through on the inside help you get a clearer idea of what you’re looking for. Flirting opportunities will not be long overdue, but not all of them deserve your attention.

The last quarter of this year finds you completely reinvented, and that means your love life has also changed in some respects. Your feelings are as intense as before, but you are more confident and that has a good effect on your love relationship. `During the holiday season, you may experience some tension at home, but it’s only a momentary episode you shouldn’t be worried about.

Finances and Career

Finances and Career

In the first three months of the year, expect no out-of-the-ordinary professional or financial challenges. Instead, you may go through some behavioral changes in January and February, and you need to be careful how this affects your relationship with your employees and customers. You need to make sure you don’t get involved in office dramas or engage in gossip.

In the next three months of 2021, the astral spotlight moves towards the financial sector, which may be more evident especially from the middle of May until the end of June. Some sources of revenue may no longer generate the same income and opportunities for additional may may dwindle. For this reason, it is very important to save up, to have some extra funds for rainy days.

In the third trimester of the year, the transformations continue on a personal level and you have to be careful how they affect your collaborations or other relationships in the professional environment. Some earnings may be overdue, which is why you still need to be careful with your budget. From the end of September onwards, some delegations abroad or competitions may be postponed.

In the last three months of the year, you seem to be more self-confident, which helps you at the professional level, especially if you work in public relations or in the front office. Also, paradoxically, December might come with improvements for your budget. At work, the same period can be quite demanding, mentally in particular, but you will find the energy to cope with the challenges.

Physical and Emotional Health

Physical and Emotional Health

In the first quarter of the year, but especially in January and February, there may be some tension between you and some family members. Maybe you won’t experience conflicts per se, but you’re likely to face some tensions and have a hard time letting go of visions and ideals that are not yours, but to which you feel in a way connected, due to your family’s expectations.

In the next three months of the year, but especially from the end of April onwards, Pluto retrogrades through the house of the subconscious, which gives you the opportunity to process fears or frustrations at your own pace, without feeling any pressure. This way, you will be better equipped to process detachment from values that are not compatible with you.

In the third quarter of the year, but especially from the end of July onwards, you work even more closely to build an identity that is independent of the pressures of your family or inner circle. This involves looking more closely at your reference system, to see which of your values, principles and beliefs are compatible with how you see the world and people in general today.

In the last quarter of 2021, you feel better about yourself and more confident in your own strengths. You have answered a series of important questions about yourself and it can be seen from the way you relate to others. From some points of view, the holiday season can be difficult, in the sense that it highlights some toxic attachments, but you will cope with them well.

Home and Family

Home and Family

In the first quarter of the year, but especially in January and February, tensions are on the cards in relation to your family. Maybe some behaviors in this sector have become toxic or have come to affect you in one way or another, and this may make you feel uneasy. Seek to rethink your relationship with your family members on other more tolerable foundations.

In the next three months of the year, you should pay close attention to your relationship with your family members, especially from the beginning of June onwards. Also, from the end of the previous month onwards, Astrofidelia’s recommendation is to focus more on your relationship with your children. The way you communicate with them may leave something to be desired.

In the next quarter of 2021, the family atmosphere is dynamic albeit a bit too unpredictable. On the one hand, this can bring pleasant surprises, in the sense that your loved one’s attitudes are a bit more thoughtful and considerate, but at the same time, you may also experience some tense moments. In relation to your partner’s relatives, some challenging moments are bound to occur.

In the last three months of the year, you enjoy tranquility in your family sector, and things are moving in the right direction. However, during the holiday season, the stress associated with preparing for Christmas can produce tension in your family environment. However, the situation will gradually improve after this time of the year. Everything will be OK eventually.

Anca Simina Martin
© Fidelia Publishing House

2021 Horoscope for each sign
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You'll increase your rate of success if you launch a project or implement strategies when the Moon is waxing.

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