
Capricorn Horoscope 2020

Love and Friendship

Love and Friendship

In the first quarter of the year, the natives of this sign will enjoy many opportunities for flirtation and attention from others, but these are only temporary flings that may not necessarily materialize in a relationship. It takes a lot more than that to get things going in this direction. Be patient and follow your heart.

In the next three months, sentimental instability is still very much visible for the natives of this sign who are not involved in a relationship. Older couples, on the other hand, are open to new experiences and ready to enjoy all kinds of spontaneous things. Maybe not all of them will serve as unforgettable memories, but it is certain that it animates the atmosphere between spouses.

In the third quarter of the year, long-term relationships are the ones that may face some challenges in the second half of June. Communication problems may arise between partners, most likely triggered by the fear of complete openness toward the other. More courage in this direction leads to some beneficial results.

In the last three months of the year and especially in October, some natives of this sign are likely to start love relationships with a close friend. Possible changes in your social status may determine some changes of ideals and visions that make some of your friendships no longer work as before. Look to see if anything else can be recovered.

Finances and Career

Finances and Career

In the first quarter of the year and especially in the period between the second half of February and the first half of March, it would be advisable not to engage in negotiations that may have a considerable influence on your financial stability. They may not go in the direction you initially wanted them to.

In the next three months of the year, you experience no obstacles when it comes to standing out at work, but you may have some financial problems in April. The chances of chashing in big profits are reduced or the financial opportunities in this period are no longer as significant as before. Try to save some money.

In the third quarter of the year, you may not want to rely too much on your communication skills. If you are negotiating a salary or a collaboration, it is very important to prepare your speech well in advance. Otherwise, you may not get what you wanted. In the first half of July, partnerships evolve more slowly than envisioned.

In the last three months of the year and especially in October, some future plans may not move at the desired pace. As a result, you may focus more on your career, where things seem to be going easier. Do not abandon them completely because they will start to take off at the end of this year. Be hopeful.

Physical and Emotional Health

Physical and Emotional Health

In the first quarter of the year, you have no cause for concern about your mental or emotional health. You have enough energy to undertake everything you have planned for the first three months of 2020, but try not to waste your senergy. Otherwise, things may not go in the right direction.

In the next three months of the year and especially starting with the end of April, you risk using your energy hazardously without having a well-established plan. You do not take enough breaks, you run out of time and you risk putting your plans in danger. You may have deadlines that are difficult to meet, but at the same time you have to be careful not to spread yourself too thin.

In the third quarter of the year and especially until mid-September, you may find yourself on the same downward slope. It is hard for you to figure out how to best manage your energy levels, you do not take enough breaks, and when you are expected to perform energetically, you find yourself lacking the necessary vim and vigour.

In the last three months of the year, you may see the first results of your attempt to strike a healthy work-rest balance. In your case, such changes do not happen organically and more often than not, going on vacation is a chore for you, but you will see that a balanced approach to work is much more sustainable than your current lifestyle.

Home and Family

Home and Family

In the first quarter of the year, you or a close relative expects the other to provide financial support at a time of need occurring sometime between the second half of February and the first half of March. Their reaction may disappoint you or viceversa and chances are that this will leave a lasting negative impression on your relationship.

In the next three months of the year, the situation is better than before. But do not be fooled by this short-terms state of harmony. You still have to work on some issues that bring you and your family members to conflict. Also, you may experience some nagging or stingy remarks on their part. Try to allow them to affect you too much.

In the third quarter of the year, the atmosphere in relation to your close relatives may be quite misleading. At times, you have the feeling that you can discuss just about anything with them, but at others, you feel as though they are using your courage to be vulnerable to their advantage. You have to clarify things somehow.

During the last three months of the year and especially in October and the first part of November, the level of tension may increase between you and your loved ones, especially if you have constantly swept sensitive issues under the rug. For the winter holidays to find you in amicable relations, something must be done quickly.

Anca Simina Martin
© Fidelia Publishing House

2020 Horoscope for each sign
Astro Tips & Tricks

When Saturn is retrograde, it's recommended that you take a step back, wait a moment, analyze your circumstances, draw conclusions and plan your next move. But don't take any action right away! Have a little patience! You can consult the Planetary Retrograde Calendar here.

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