
More on Leo Ascendant



Thanks to their innate ability to make an entrance, those born with a Leo Ascendant are the easiest to spot among the other Rising Signs. As a general rule, their presence fills the room with glamour, optimism and joy. They lose no opportunity to flaunt their thick luscious hair and harmonious stature. Leo Ascendant people expect others to bow down and praise their sincerity, social skills, good manners and generosity. Otherwise, they turn into "Drama Queens". Passion is their middle name.


Leo Ascendant celebrities: Ashley Judd and Matthew Perry.


Important Notice: For a more detailed astrology profile, we recommend that you correlate the description of your Ascendant with those of your Sun and Moon signs. Moreover, bear in mind the fact that certain astrological factors may or may not interefere with the brief description of your Rising Sign that we offer on this website.


A brief interpretation of the twelve Rising Signs.

More on Ascendants/Rising Signs:
Astro Tips & Tricks

If you plan on doing some research on a particular topic and/or you want to deepen your knowledge of something new, focus on these activities when Mercury transits through the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius).

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