
More on Taurus Ascendant



People with Taurus Ascendants radiate tranquility. Although they tend to be of rather stout build, Taurus Rising Sign individuals are the likeliest to have dimples in their cheeks thanks to Venus, the ruler of their Ascendant. Most of the times, they prefer to take things slowly. Their ultimate desire is to enjoy stability and comfort. They are known to appreciate the "good things" in life. Many of them are gifted with a distinctive voice. Moreover, they are reliable, practical but also extremely stubborn.


Taurus Ascendant celebrities: Queen Latifah and Billy Crystal.


Important Notice: For a more detailed astrology profile, we recommend that you correlate the description of your Ascendant with those of your Sun and Moon signs. Moreover, bear in mind the fact that certain astrological factors may or may not interefere with the brief description of your Rising Sign that we offer on this website.


A brief interpretation of the twelve Rising Signs.

More on Ascendants/Rising Signs:
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