
Gemini Horoscope 2022

Love and Friendship

Love and Friendship

In the first trimester of the year you keep deep emotional contact with your closest partners. There is a sincere and radical confrontation with taboos and complex emotions. You discover that you and your dear ones transform each other and that true love goes beyond the tests of time. By building emotional maturity you can easily see the psychological patterns of others.

During the second quarter of 2022 a new chapter opens in your friendships. In the following months you will attract more interactions with groups of friends and collaborators, partners in various projects that help you evolve. You see life and relationships from a holistic perspective. Afterwards, you enter an active, self-centered phase and enjoy the popularity it brings.

The third quarter offers spiritual understanding of sexuality and sensuality. You can give up some old attachments. You realize that there’s an indestructible connection between you and your loved ones, even if you’re physically apart. Communication is very important now, especially in the second part of September, when some enlightened discussions might occur.

The fourth quarter of this year is the richest in romantic events. At the beginning of autumn you feel the need to fall in love. Thus, you should stay open to opportunities for flirting. You can also meet someone interesting at work and feel a strong urge to make yourself useful to your loved ones. In November and December your main focus is to improve your partnerships.

Finances and Career

Finances and Career

In the first quarter of the year Jupiter in Pisces activates your career strongly and brings you nearby important people. It feels like you’re highly exposed and everyone sees you. This means you need to keep an eye on your public image. However, as long as you avoid some exaggerations or errors by negligence, the period can bring you a lot of positive notoriety.

The second quarter continues like this until mid-May, when there is a shift in perspective: you no longer care so much about career responsibilities, but you explore the idea of new projects for the future. During these weeks it is advisable to avoid impulsive expenses imposed by some group events. Your material security is just as important as your friends’ needs.

In the third quarter of the year AstroFidelia recommends taking some time off from daily worries and routine. At work it’s good not to take on responsibilities that aren’t your business. Acting like an observer also helps you understand the true value of money, objects and services. You learn to give up some material attachments and replace them with more tranquility.

The last quarter of 2022 will be busier at work, especially in October and November. It is possible to experience some intense situations in relationships with colleagues and collaborators. You can overcome those moments elegantly if you don’t take them personally. Stress sometimes brings out uncomfortable behaviors in people. Concentrate on improving your skills!

Physical and Emotional Health

Physical and Emotional Health

In the first quarter of this year some refreshing, exciting, long-distance travel would be good for you. If that’s not possible, you could still explore the unknown through studies and dialogues that bring you close to different cultures and traditions. These experiences improve the way you understand your body. For example, you could join workshops on relaxation and meditation techniques.

In the second quarter you have the opportunity to practice what you learned in the first. April requires periods of withdrawal and introspection. During this time you could also get in touch with various health centers, whether for personal benefit or in order to help others. From May on you become much more active and dynamic. You need to stay in good shape.

The third quarter of the year may be more demanding for your nervous system. There’s a lot going on around you, and you need to be responsive to a multitude of stimuli, react with clever observations and smart remarks. August and September bring opportunities for relaxation, so you can schedule a vacation during these months in order to recharge your batteries.

The last quarter of 2022 you need to pay more attention to your health. Even if there’s a lot of work waiting to be done, you shouldn’t get exhausted. It is important to prioritize your activities and have enough time for rest. You will see that even in the most demanding moments your body seeks the balance between effort and respite. By eliminating fears you will release tension from your body.

Home and Family

Home and Family

In the first quarter of the year Venus and Mercury retrograde bring surprising revelations in close relationships. Some debates on shared financial resources might occur. In this case, it is good to investigate the situations on a subtle level, because tensions can rise from unequal emotional exchanges between family members. In March you can grasp the meaning of these experiences.

The second quarter contains some highly dynamic weeks at work, which may cut down the time you have for home and family. It’s good to look for proper balance between career and private life. In the second part of the quarter you dedicate more time and enthusiasm to yourself. How do you feel about you? How would you describe your self-image?

The third quarter of this year may bring new home and family projects. Some relatives may contribute to your material well-being, others may need your financial support. September finally offers enough time for your dear ones. There may also be some kind of work to be done around the house that requires precision and rigor.

In the last quarter, your relationships with children come to the fore, whether you’re a parent or not. The period is also favorable for the moments of relaxation and hobbies. This way, you stay connected to your inner source of creativity and originality. Mars retrograde in Gemini in November and December means more time in the company of your own being.

Cristiana Tanase
© Fidelia Publishing House

2022 Horoscope for each sign
Astro Tips & Tricks

If you feel like experimenting with something new and/or plan on making big changes in your life, focus on these activities when Mercury transits through the Mutable signs (Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces).

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