
Sagittarius Horoscope 2022

Love and Friendship

Love and Friendship

The first quarter involves a strong focus on personal resources and intellectual development. You can meet new people in contexts that imply exchanging unconventional information. Basically, these months draw your attention to yourself and dictate a mental approach to situations. Love now goes through intellect. You need partners with good communication skills.

The second quarter is much more tender in terms of romance and love. Even if you already have a long lasting relationship, there is the opportunity to rekindle the flame of passion. You might feel like a teenager at your first love. AstroFidelia recommends avoiding childish risks, but also daring to accept unexpected flirting opportunities.

The third quarter brings Jupiter’s influence in the house of love and fun in your birth chart. Therefore, you can still take advantage of a lucky period in this regard. At the same time, you might find that you react more wisely to these situations. Still, try to avoid excesses and treat your admirers fairly. Otherwise, there might be unpleasant consequences.

The last quarter is under the influence of Mars in Gemini, which in your case influences the relationship area. Clear communication is a key now. You feel like you’re among classmates. Curiosity, spontaneous conversations and a highly charged intellectual atmosphere accompany your love affairs. November and December bring back partners from the past.

Finances and Career

Finances and Career

The first quarter is rich in various financial events. In January, Venus retrograde in Capricorn requires some reassessment of business and money strategies. A possible feeling of austerity could be resolved with patience and perseverance. This period is also quite demanding on a mental level. You can take advantage of it and go through a thorough learning process.

The second quarter involves a combination of work and leisure time. There are periods of fun and relaxation, but also some very busy ones at work. Interactions with colleagues and collaborators expand in May-June. In these months you have the opportunity to implement important changes. If you persevere, your effort will be rewarded as you please.

The third quarter as well brings fairly active periods at work. New contracts may arise, which must be cleverly negotiated. Success comes as a result of team efforts. There will be many times when you should act with the utmost responsibility. This way, you’ll be able to keep a respectable public image. Others could notice you easily and follow your model.

The fourth quarter means interactions with various groups of collaborators, who can propose new projects. This is a good time to create strategies for the future, with both financial and contractual impact. In November it is good to stay more withdrawn. Try not to control the course of events! Afterwards, you will have more time and space for new beginnings and smart initiatives.

Physical and Emotional Health

Physical and Emotional Health

In the first quarter it is best to preserve your energy. By doing your best to avoid excesses, you will have enough power for everything you need to achieve. This period could be quite demanding on a mental level, which is why it would be useful for you to support your nervous system with sufficient rest and detachment from small problems.

The second quarter helps you demonstrate your skills and shine through your work. It would be appropriate to work from home these months, so that you feel comfortable and stay highly efficient. At the same time, having a lot of work doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy whatever you’re doing. Some vacation days would do you good now. That way, you keep a good vitality.

The third quarter involves some situations that require a strong psychological and emotional flair. Try not to run away from more uncomfortable emotions and to process them in depth! Through this kind of intensity you regenerate and access surprising inner powers. In August some long distance journeys would be perfect for your peace and health.

The last part of the year brings you a visionary disposition and confidence in the future. By mid-November, you’ll need to take some time off from the usual routine. These weeks are suitable for contemplation and rest. Afterwards, you will feel more energetic and clearly focused. The end of the year teaches you to stay away from bad company and keep enough energy for yourself.

Home and Family

Home and Family

The first quarter begins under the strong influence of Jupiter in Pisces, which creates many interesting family contexts. You might feel lucky in home related issues. The side effect would be an uncontrolled expansion of emotional outbursts. For example, you might face a parent’s oversensitivity. You could also travel to places connected to your childhood.

The second quarter continues this emergence of home and family situations. There may also be some changes in your living space. You need to create beautiful surroundings for yourself. Try to feel truly at home in that place where you retire at the end of the day! May could bring some family events that invite forgiveness, healing, spiritual and emotional growth.

The third quarter might offer special moments in relationships with children. This period is also accompanied by transformative experiences in family relations. Taboos are coming to light, which may be sometimes uncomfortable. However, if you clarify them now, they will not cause further suffering. After that, everything will feel brighter.

The last quarter resumes some old family themes. You need to feel that there is unity between you and your dear ones, but that your freedom and will are respected as well. If towards the end of the year you feel trapped between your family and a close partner, you’d better follow the path that truly represents you. You have the right to act independently.

Cristiana Tanase
© Fidelia Publishing House

2022 Horoscope for each sign
Astro Tips & Tricks

If possible, schedule your tooth extraction when the Moon is waning.

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