
Scorpio Horoscope 2022

Love and Friendship

Love and Friendship

The first quarter is rich in relationship events. Some partners determine deep changes in you, while others reflect childhood patterns and help you put the past in order. This process feels like an upgrade starting from the roots. As Jupiter moves forward into Pisces, you also attract multiple chances to fall in love and experience romantic atmospheres.

The second quarter is largely devoted to relationships. You need to act with diplomacy and pay attention to other people’s desires. This is a good chance to weigh the stability of your partnerships. Love now means being able to rely on firm commitments. You delve incisively into the psychology and emotions of those closest to you, and expect mutual emotional responses.

The third quarter is dynamic on a relationship level as well. There may be some contradictions between you and your loved ones. This is also a time when you will attract more encounters with people in official positions. Starting with September, there will be more interactions with friends and groups. You need to filter these associations and keep the ones that help your evolution.

The last quarter begins on a discreet tone. You need time for analysis and withdrawal from daily problems. You approach relationships with refinement and a spiritual propensity. Afterwards, you go through a more energetic and dynamic period. Others will be able to easily notice your magnetism and charm. Opportunities for falling in love enhance.

Finances and Career

Finances and Career

The first trimester begins with a surplus of intellectual effort. It takes structure, discipline and a good organization of your activity in order to send eloquent, well-documented messages. This is also a time when you would be better off working from home or in an environment where you feel comfortable and safe. Towards the end of March, work issues accelerate.

The second quarter continues in this dynamic rhythm at work. Your interactions with colleagues and collaborators speed up. Jupiter enters Aries, triggering new projects, hastening changes and sometimes inducing nervousness or stubbornness. It’s good to turn this powerful energy into new beginnings on a professional level. You are invited to take risks and act intuitively.

The third quarter brings opportunities to get noticed at work. You may feel more exposed, with formal meetings and new responsibilities entering your life. Now is the time to clarify what your career mission really means to you. You can gain notoriety and respect. From September on, new team projects emerge that support your professional development.

The fourth quarter creates a special financial impact. Under the influence of Mars in Gemini, which will also be retrograde in the last two months of the year, there are many changes in the way you share resources with other people. You might also renegotiate a loan. Try to communicate as clearly as possible, avoiding any confusion or misunderstanding.

Physical and Emotional Health

Physical and Emotional Health

In the first quarter it is advisable to make time for staying at home, in the peace and privacy of familiar spaces. This period is one of introspection. It implies putting in order older emotions, which require reprocessing and integration. March is suitable for short holidays or moments of relaxation. These small joys will keep you in a good shape.

The second quarter is, as we mentioned before, pretty busy at work. This means you should carefully organize your daily schedule, so that not to exhaust yourself quickly. If you overwork or make other kinds of excess, Jupiter in Aries might manifest through inflammations, migraines or rashes. The most important thing is to consume your energy sparingly.

At the beginning of the third quarter long distance journeys are recommended. These experiences can revive you and create an expansive, bright inner state. After a fairly active period at work among your projects, September gradually invites detachment from current problems. During this period, meditation or simple relaxation helps you a lot.

The fourth quarter begins with the same contemplative mood, which make you release old emotions and prepare for new beginnings. From November on, the atmosphere changes. You become active, dynamic, energetic. This period helps you see yourself more clearly and set new directions for the following months. Get involved in projects that excite you!

Home and Family

Home and Family

The first quarter offers a lot of time spent at home among your loved ones. These days require retreat and reconnection to your roots. Some changes of home space and family life occur. You have the opportunity to free yourself from old traditions that have become useless. You can clearly see some emotional patterns deeply set in yourself and your dear ones.

The second quarter brings more interactions with kids. Even if you’re not a parent, there may be more opportunities to stay around with children, from which you have a lot to learn. This is also a time when you can reawaken the child inside you and enjoy your hobbies. Various discussions about inheritances or shared resources between relatives may come to the fore.

The third quarter might generate confrontations between someone close to you and your family. It’s good to try to make a clear distinction between love relationships and those with certain intrusive relatives. Also, your career requires equal attention from you. This is a busy time, with a lot going on away from home and family.

During the last quarter, you have the opportunity to analyze past events with detachment, including some home-related ones. In the second part of this quarter you become more active and need to firmly impose your will. If people at home oppose your initiatives, it’s good to avoid unnecessary conflicts, but also to follow your own direction. You have the right to be yourself.

Cristiana Tanase
© Fidelia Publishing House

2022 Horoscope for each sign
Astro Tips & Tricks

When Mars is retrograde, you may feel less energetic and/or get irritated more easily than you used to. Don't act on your impulses because you might make a mistake you would have avoided otherwise. Now it's time to take up meditation and discipline your body.

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